Wednesday 30 October 2013

We Think We Deserve

Love Sucks. I don’t mean it in the “I don’t believe in love” heartbroken old guy love sucks. I mean it in the “I love this person so much it hurts love”. Is that love or obsession anyway? I’d go for obsession but that’s another tale for another day.
In life, you’ve probably gone through that mega infatuation period that you think is love. You know everything about them from their favorite color to what they wear on Tuesday’s. Yeah it’s unhealthy to know this information but you don’t care, you’re in love . The only problem is that the person either doesn’t see you in that way or even worse the person doesn’t know you exist. You then have to watch from afar as the person dates someone that you know isn’t right for them because they would be just perfect for you and you’d be perfect for them.
Why do the people we love always seem to get with someone else? Is it timing? Is it the friend zone? Or is the fact that we made our selves too available so the person would never see us that way? I want to start a petition to get all the upper scientists as well as the matchmaker websites to come up with the answer to this. When I get my answer you all will be the first to know! 
To answer that, I have to hit with the quote I got from my current favorite movie: “Why do good people for the wrong person” “We receive the love we think we deserve.” “Is there anyway to make them know it’s the wrong guy?” We can only try.”
What we think we deserve… Are we that desperate to be loved that we’d settle for the first glimpse of appreciation we get from someone? I notice that in people a lot. Guys usually deal with the visual aspect of their partner when it comes to love. Is she hot? Can I be seen in public with her? But they tend to stick to whatever they’ve got. Girls mainly deal with the substance of a man’s character. When you talk to a girl she’d more likely listen to you if you seemed confident but not too cocky. They also try and get someone that gives them that sense of “I’m going to be taken care of” . Maybe that’s why people never get with the right people….At least not the first time .. Most times..  I dunno. 
Is that why people always tend to rationalize when they end up in terrible relationships?  “Oh he only didn’t call me for two weeks because he’s busy” “Naaah he just has a different way of showing that he loves me” “He hit me because I provoked him!” . 
“We can only try.” Isn't that just crap? To try has a sense of “this may not work”. That’s why I always say that if you love someone you’ve got to tell him or her before it’s too late. Trust me on that. You just have to go for it and even if it doesn’t work out you can’t say you didn’t try. But if the person you love is happy with the person they’re with you have no right to disrupt their happiness. All you can do is hope for the best for them and allow them go on their journey with the person.
Now I’m not saying that you should just go up to the person you like and spill out your whole soul in one go. You’ve got to take it gradually. Telling them everything all at once could be overkill and you might just scare them off. First you’ve got to make sure the person knows you exist. Try to ensure the person is at least your friend first .  That way even if it doesn’t work out at least the person will always be in your life. Then you’ve got to ensure you really like the person or you’re just attracted to the person. Find out if you share similar interests or beliefs. Why would you want to date someone you have nothing in common with? You guys would just kill each other. 

I don’t believe in the term “deserve” but I do believe in “achieve”.  We’ve all heard stories of people who came from nothing and moved mountains to achieve their dreams and goals. Why can’t we then do the same for love? If we believe we deserve what we get because of the people we are, can’t we then just strive to be better so we can deserve better? Why settle for less when we could strive for more? 
Until we meet again my fellow journeymen on this wild ride we call life…

Friday 25 October 2013

The Promise

Coming along with me this won't get you rich.  I’m not the rich dad poor dad guy. It won’t change your past and it won’t decide your future.  I’m not Oprah. I can’t guarantee that it will make you a better person or even smarter but you will get entertained.
I can’t promise you what I am uncertain of. Me writing will only give you my side of the story. With every word you shall get me,  unfiltered. You shall get my truth. Not THE truth but MY truth. 
What is true to me is nothing more than my perspective. Just as I have a right to my opinion you have a right to disagree with my opinion.
As we take this journey together I hope that you come prepared.  For what you shall read will make you think. Think about yourself, your friends and the world. I won’t always hold your hand and guide you to a decision. You’ll have to make that on your own.
My only promise that I can make, is that you will always have me, nothing more and nothing less…

Now let us begin.